Background – African Cattle Genomics Exchange Fri, 25 May 2018 09:27:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Genomic reference resource Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:25:24 +0000 Genomic Reference Resource for African Cattle

A collated set of sequence and genotype information on cattle breeds in Africa is currently not available.  Such a resource is important at is can underpin the design of genomic tools for different applications.

The Dairy Genomics Program of the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (  proposes to help generate this important resource by collating data already available in public database and (where access is granted) with private research groups, and through the generation of new data obtained in collaboration with African and potentially other partners.

The initial target for the resource is 25  African cattle breeds with sequence information on at-least 10 individuals per breed, by the of end-2017.  The expectation that the number of breeds, and individuals per breed, will increase over time, as the initiative gains momentum and additional resources become available.

The genomic reference resource will be a database – accessible to all stakeholders and which is well documented– of genomic information on African cattle breeds, linked to meta-data, such as GPS location of where the animals were sampled, a, amongst other.

                              Benefit sharing on AnGR use: All data newly generated under this initiative will be generated in collaboration with partners who wish to participate, utilising appropriate access and benefit sharing agreements.  The expectation is that all data will be made publicly available.


Potential role of genomics Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:23:40 +0000 Potential role of genomics for genetic improvement strategies for cattle in Africa

African cattle breeds are numerous and diverse, and typically well adapted to the harsh environment conditions under which they perform. They have been used over centuries to provide livelihoods and food and nutritional security to their keepers.  However a number of African cattle production systems are changing, including via intensification where livestock keepers are able to provide a higher levels of inputs (for example, in relation to animal feed and health-care).  These livestock keepers are thus seeking cattle breeds that are both adapted to the local environmental conditions and productive.  Such livestock can be made available through appropriate genetic improvement strategies.

The most appropriate genetic improvement strategy for any developing country livestock system will vary depending on the specific context, with options including breed-substitution, cross-breeding, within-breed improvement, or a combination of these. Supporting such strategies at national or regional levels is a major undertaking, requiring amongst others appropriate policy, institutional arrangements, underlying data collection, analysis and feedback platforms, attention to incentives for livestock keeper engagement, and involvement of a range of partners including the national research system and private sector.  Attention to these is critical for the genetic improvement strategy to be sustainable and provide impact at scale.

Genomic approaches can assist in the development and / or implementation of genetic improvement strategies.  For example genomic information can be used to:

  • assign breed composition to animals of otherwise unknown breed or cross-breed type – for use in studies comparing the performance of, or household income from keeping, different breeds or cross-breeds, and thus identification of the most appropriate breed-type
  • help in the identification of genes / gene-networks underpinning important livestock adaptation or production traits – leading to the creation of new or improved breed-types
  • enable livestock breeding programs –through provision of information on breed composition or the relatedness of animals in situations where pedigree has not been recorded


Further strategic thinking on which specific applications of genomics, to the varied cattle systems in Africa, are most likely to lead to positive impact – on the livelihoods of the rural poor, food and nutritional security, or environmental sustainability – is required.  This will require significant stakeholder input to find the intersection between what is technically feasible and what is relevant, and a priority, to the low-input cattle systems in Africa.

This will be a key focus area of the Dairy Genomics Programme of the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health  in its initial years  (click here for more on the Dairy Genomics Program and here for more on CTLGH)


First stakeholder engagement Mon, 25 Jul 2016 16:22:52 +0000 This is the first stakeholder engagement of the Dairy Genomics Program of the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health  – on Cattle Genomics in Africa

The Dairy Genomics Program of the newly established Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health (CTLGH) aims to facilitate the application of genomics to cattle in the Tropics, and particularly Africa. This will be achieved through:

  • a stakeholder engagement process to identify key applications that will lead to improving the livelihoods of the rural poor in Africa, and advocacy on these;
  • supporting the developing of tools and methodological approaches;
  • capacity building;
  • and partnering in research and resource mobilisaion.

For more on the Dairy Genomics Program of CTLGH see website and the ILRI project profile.

We welcome your input into this process through this forum – which will focus on:

  • current and future applications of genomics to cattle in Africa: Potential role of genomics
  • which breeds to prioritise for inclusion in a Genomics Information Resource for African cattle (a publically available set of sequence information on cattle breeds in Africa): Genomics reference resource


